
December Healing Retreat: Dec 9–12, 2021

Three Days of Huichol Traditional Healings in Nature

Life’s changes can take a toll on the most resilient person. Transitions are messengers asking for our attention and care — loss of a loved one, a child moving away, retiring, illness, aging and relationships ending, just to mention a few. Imagine sequestering yourself in a sacred place in the deep tranquility of winter to ask and be open to receiving the gifts of spiritual healing. In this simple  but powerful way you can recharge and reinspire your life with much needed transformation.


Your stay at this three day Residential Healing Retreat includes daily private sessions of Traditional Huichol Healings, time for contemplation and reflection, gathering with social distancing around the fire, and many opportunities to connect with the natural world. A teaching Fire ceremony is offered to participants on the second evening.

What are Traditional Huichol Healings?

Eliot Cowan as a Tsaurirrikame brings the ancient medicine of the Huichol People Homelands and makes it available for you at the sacred land of Blue Deer Center.

Before your arrival to your healing session he will have consecrated a fire. He will have fasted, sung and prayed to the gods that his medicine might benefit you. When you join him, the two of you will have conversations about your dreams, as well as your health, relationships and life conditions. Eliot might offer you counsel. He might reach into his bag and bring out waters, stones, and feathered wands charged with divine blessings.

Experiences during these treatments

  • You might feel you are part of the natural world once more.
  • You might discover meaning and purpose in your life.
  • Maybe stored-up grief or anger or heartache surges up and out of you.
  • Maybe you rediscover your love for your family or partner.
  • The illness or conflict you brought with you may be lightened or lessened.

The natural world has been helping people for thousands of years, and its help is needed now more than ever.

Program Details

This program is offered to a small group of participants (6).

Tuition: $1075
Lodging & Food for a private room with shared bathroom: $585
A few private rooms with private bathrooms are available: $660
Commuter option: $350 includes all meals and facility fees

The Healing Retreat will be over in the afternoon of the last day.